Aspire to Give® Academy FAQ

1. Why was Aspire to Give® Academy founded?
The Academy supports adults in major life changes, fostering personal growth and empowerment. We expand and hone skills and provide tools to navigate life's challenges. Our belief is that everyone can change for the better. We are committed to assisting adults in shaping their best lives and fostering a better tomorrow.
2. How does the Academy highlight a learner's strengths and passions? 
Through emotive storytelling, examples, and thought-provoking questions, we illuminate and magnify learners' unique strengths and passions, guiding them toward their purposeful life.
3. Why are the four pillars essential in the Academy’s learning design?
The four pillars—Personal, Positive, Probing, and Practical—shape our curriculum to be personally tailored, uplifting, inquisitive, and applicable, ensuring transformative and sustainable impact.
4. Why are the five beliefs integral in the Academy’s learning process? 
Embedded in every course, our five beliefs elicit each learner's positive potential, natural desire to give, and the ability to make wise choices during pivotal life moments to foster a future built on generosity and purposeful living.
5. How does the learner workbooks of the Pivot to Purpose Learning Series enhance the learning experience? 
Each of the four courses of the learning series features a workbook with lesson exercises that facilitates inquiry-based learning and reflection, helping learners explore and apply lesson in the context of their own life experiences, hopes, and aspirations.
6. What unique outcome does the Academy provide?  
Learners embark on a journey from introspection to action, discovering and aligning their purpose with their passions and strengths, thereby navigating life transitions with a renewed purpose of enhanced clarity.
7. How is personalization embedded in the courses?  
Courses come with a workbook featuring clear exercises, examples, and strategies, making concepts of purpose and generosity tangible, memorable, and relevant to the learners' real-life situation.
8. What makes the Academy's approach to life transitions unique?
The Academy intertwines psychology and universal wisdom  ("Give, and you shall receive", "Ask, and you shall receive") with a state-of-the art instructional design and emotionally and intellectually rich curriculum for a transformative learning experience.
9. Why is “generous inquiry” emphasized in the learning process?
"Generous inquiry,"  based on universal principles of asking, giving and receiving, involves altruistic questioning to inspire thought, fuel change, and drive generous, purposeful actions, leading to deep, meaningful insights during transitions.
10. How does the Academy “Build Your Best Life”? 
The Academy encourages building your best life by intertwining personal development with intentional kindness and generosity, utilizing your unique gifts to enhance your personal success for a better tomorrow.
11. How does the Academy contribute to a better tomorrow? 
Through the interconnectedness of personal development and social good, the Academy cultivates a lifestyle of purposeful, generous living that nurtures a better world.
12. Why opt for Aspire to Give® Academy during vital life transitions? 
The Academy provides a blend of deep, personalized learning, built upon foundational beliefs and pillars, guiding learners to practical, real-world application, making their journey through life’s pivotal moments a milestone for lifelong learning.
13. What support systems does the Academy provide for learners?   
The Academy offers robust support through expert, experienced coaching, peer learning groups, supplemental resources, and access to a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all designed to foster growth and understanding.
14. Can the Academy’s learning approach benefit those at any stage of life?  
Absolutely! The Academy’s principles and teachings are universal and adaptable, making them suitable and beneficial for individuals at any life stage seeking purpose and direction; especially at a crossroads of life.
15. How is the Academy's approach to learning different from traditional education?   
Our approach focuses on individualized development of essential soft skills for real-world success, in contrast to the uniform and theoretical approach of traditional academic education.
16. What role do the four gifts play in the learning experience?  
The four gifts—Time, Talents, Treasure, and Trusting relationships—are integral to our curriculum, encouraging learners to recognize, appreciate, and utilize their composite uniqueness of these gifts ( "wheelhouse") for personal growth, community, and societal good.
17. Is the Academy’s curriculum research-based?  
Yes, our curriculum is grounded in contemporary psychological and social research, state-of-the art instructional design, and educational best practices, ensuring a scientifically informed and effective learning experience.
18. What makes the Academy’s approach to purpose and generosity unique?    
Our unique blend of purpose-driven education with a focus on generosity sets us apart, inspiring learners to find their purpose and to lead more meaningful, fulfilling, and impactful lives.
19. How do the Academy’s courses facilitate self-reflection and growth? 
Our courses offer a mix of multimedia, coaching, workbook exercises, peer learning, guided questioning, and extra resources to promote self-reflection and personal growth.
20. How does the Academy cater to different types of groups? 
We offer tailored courses and programs for to adult groups in transition such as military veterans, young adults, recovering singles such as the divorced or widowed , career changers, aspiring retirees, those at the sunset of their lives and rebounding from a misfortune, and other common groups, ensuring relevance and impact for everyone’s unique situation.
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